Saturday, February 6, 2010

Money Can't Buy You Love, But It Sure Can Help

*Aloha,chapter 7- The program that I write this with, for some reason will not make a space at the start of a paragraph. So I'm going to use one of these things --- just so you know what the heck I am doing. I know it's only a click away, but what click? I will figure it out later maybe.
-The UPS truck showed up at my house this morning, and brought me a big box. Cool, a new inverter and an automatic transfer switch. I have to give those UPS guys credit. I don't live close to anywhere. My driveway is a 2 mile dirt road. And the driver brings the stuff right to my door. My house is about 70 miles from the large city. Wow, I'm going to order more stuff. I am use to shipping cost to Hawaii, where on the average you have to pay about 25% for shipping. That can add up fast. Here in WA. the shipping cost for this order was only about $30. And the inverter was heavy. In Hawaii that would of cost me about $200. I wonder if they would deliver groceries?
-I looked at the mess of unlabeled and cut electrical wires and battery cables in the rear compartment of the motor home. I wondered what it use to look like with all the parts still installed and the wires hooked up. Not only will I have to figure out how to put everything back, I will have to figure all the wires and cables. I don't even know how it's suppose to be. I had a fuzzy idea in the back of my brain, but this was a need to know item. And before, I didn't really need to know. But now I do.
-I looked online for a few sites that talk about the subject, and downloaded some owners manuals that had some R/V wiring schematics. At least I had a clue on how to go about this. I used a meter to check to see which were ground wires, and to follow where the wires went to. I was still trying to find simple things like, where the heck is the breaker panel? I looked in every cabinet except the one that it was in. When I found it, you did not have to call me stupid. I did that already. Remember, I can be as stupid as the next guy. Hey I even found the 12v circuit box. This gave me the color code for which color wire was hooked up to what. Now I don't have to guess. Similar to house wiring, but almost exactly like a boat. Motor homes don't have bilge pumps do they? Ha-Ha, I bet a lot of them could use them, mine included.
-I took a small wire brush and scrubbed out the rear compartment. I vacuumed it out and put some flat black paint on the inside. It made it look brand new. I then took some foil tape and put a strip across the frame that was showing in the back. This plugged up some holes and made it look clean and high tech.
-Now I needed to take the inverter, the converter, and the automatic transfer switch, and position them in the compartment, and try to plan some kind of lay out for the wires that were needed.
-I made some mahogany wood strips to place under the mounts of the inverter and converter. This will provide more air flow for cooling, and less chance of water damage. Plus it just makes it look neat. And that's where I get a lot of satisfaction from the things that I fix and rebuild. --Ya, I built that.--
-A related story- Once, I was lucky enough to be a judge at a small town auto show. There were some very nice high dollar cars, and a few ordinary low budget projects, and one very young kid with a cool looking rat-rod that he built himself with no money. I talked to the kid,(he did not know I was one of the judges)he said he earned his money from a paper route. He found his parts in old junk cars and just plain built some of the parts because he did not have money to buy them. His car was entered up against some cars that were probably worth $100,000.
-I talked it over later with the other judges and they said, let it rip. They agreed with how I felt about the kid doing all his own work with no money. We awarded 3rd. and 2nd. prize to those who deserved it. An arrogant loud mouth guy in the crowd with a head that was too big to even fit in his own hat, thought that he had automatically won first prize because he thought he had the best car, simply because he had spent more then anybody else. He started to pat himself on the back, and walk on stage. I had to tell him to stop. I was not finished talking yet. I seen the young kid was starting to pack up his car for the day to get ready to leave. I laid it out flat and cold. I said just because someone can spend the most does not make for the best car. I read out the kid's name. He looked like he had just heard from God. The kid was shaking when he came on stage to win the big trophy, $300, and a set of new tires. The other guy was mad as heck that he did not win anything. When I said over the microphone that "it looks like money can't buy you love", the crowd of about 100 people went wild and cheered. The other guy took off in a huff, and I have never seen him since. I still stand by those words.-Money cant buy you love,(but it sure can help).

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