Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Intro chapter 1-

Aloha, this is my first post on this blog. I don't know how to use it yet, so bare with me. First let me say my spelling is terrible and my grammar is even worse. My English teacher might of cared but I don't. I'm just going to babble on with no rules. Let it rip.
My name is Mark and I'm going to to try to give a few stories on how I am rebuilding a motor home that I have just bought.
Last Nov. / Dec. I decided I needed /wanted to buy myself a motor home. Why, I'm still trying to justify. I looked on Craigslist for a few months, and made a few calls, and even looked at a few cheap rigs. I started looking at class C's first thinking they might be a little better on gas and might be a little cheaper. I quickly learned that you get what you pay for. At first I set the budget for around 5K. That was unrealistic as you don't get much for 5K. So the budget went up to 10K or maybe 15K. I found a lot more to choose from, but most of them seemed to need a lot of work, and some were just plain ugly.
I figured that where I live, I would have it parked most of the time anyway, and I could use the extra room in a class A. So I started looking at larger motor homes. I then increased the budget to to 20K. Wow, this was going to cost me more then I thought. I found one that was 5K under the budget. I looked good in the photos, so I changed plans of looking at a similar one that was more, in a different location. The next day I left as early as I could to drive the 300 miles away to Portland,OR. to look at it.
When I found the house with the motor home, I did not have much time to look at the condition of all the systems. At the same time I was there someone else came to look at the motor home at the same time. The other guy waited and stayed out of my way and looked at the other end. After 5 minutes the salesman that was showing it drove up and talked to me. He asked me if I was interested in buying it. I told him maybe. the other guy asked me if I was going to buy it. He said if I don't buy it he would. The salesman said I was first on the list, and he had a third guy that was interested also on the phone.
He brought me to the office and I talked to the owner about the price. I asked about not having a generator and the missing electronics. He dropped a couple thousand off. He said he just wants to get rid of it. His wife wanted it out of the driveway. The generator was stolen as was the inverter, converter, and batteries. I was not scared to do any of the repairs that were needed. So I said Yes to 13K, and pulled out my credit card. He wrote up the paperwork and we signed the deal. I did not even know what I had just bought. I know nothing about motor homes and in fact I have never even rode in one. But what the heck, I'm not scared. Just do it. The guy was probably laughing at me. But I have a few tricks up my sleeve.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to Blogging, Welcome to the Class A RV world. Love your stories so far. Good looking rig--bet it's going to give you (and us reading your blog) a lot of enjoyment!

    I see an FMCA logo on the front. If it came with the unit it should come off or other FMCA members will think you are someone else. Or is that a bad thing? :)

    Seriously, if you are not a member, please check it out at www.fmca.com Should you decide to join, please give them our membership number as recommending them: F313653

    Art and Gillian
